Sunday, November 21, 2010

11 months...almost.

Addison turns 11 months November 26th. I can't believe her one year birthday is in one month! She has changed so much and understands so much, it blows my mind. Here are some things she has learned:
  • Crawls all over the house
  • Loves to open/close doors
  • pulls up on everything and furniture walks
  • recently learned how to walk with her walker (yeahhh)
  • when her toy phone rings she holds it up to her ear (I never taught her that)
  • waves bye and hi
  • says "mama" and "dada" but still isn't completely consistent
  • drinks out of a sippy cup
  • feeds herself completely
  • eats almost anything we eat
  • favorite foods : yogurt, avocado, banana, meat (any kind of meat, girl loves her protein)
  • gives kisses (but you really have to work hard for it)
  • sleeps 9 to 12 hours at night straight
  • takes 1 nap/day
  • crawls to her bath tub on her own even when it is not her bath time (she loves her bath)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Harper's 1st Birthday!

One of my best friend's daughter, turned one on October 31st and she threw a party Oct. 30th. She trusted me enough to make this beautiful cake for about 30 people. It was so tasty. There were so many babies and kids all dressed up in costume. It was a lot of fun and Katie and Jeremy threw a great party.

The birthday bunny with Addie the honey bee! Harper knew the whole party was for her, the way she was crawling everywhere and expecting people to move for her. She didn't fuss once during that 3-4 hour period.
That's my girl. I think we put her in that bee costume 4 times by the time the 31st was over. I was ready to see it go (such a hassle to put on) !
Katie the super mom is wearing the birthday bunny, Harper!!
Alex and her precious monkey,Damon. We had such a good time catching up.
Need I say more, daddy and his girl! Well I will... Ryan is seriously the best daddy in the world. He is so entertaining when reading bedtime stories. I myself get lured in. I am so blessed to have him and the share such a wonderful girl with him.
This has nothing to do with Halloween but had to add it in. She is so intrigued with everything I do now. She seriously was taking things out of the dishwasher to help me! You can't start them to young for chores!!

Our family adventure

The Sigmon family went on a very exciting lining at Hawks Nest!! A total of 14 family members went, my mom included. It was the weekend the leaves were predicted to be perfect, and they were. After zipping we all went to Grammy's cabin and had a family reunion cook out. It was so much fun. I am so blessed to have such a beautiful family, inside and out! I hope we get to get together more often.