Monday, January 31, 2011

It's a boy!!

So we found out last Friday that we are going to be blessed with a precious baby boy! We are so thrilled. Honestly, I went into the ultrasound convinced it was going to be a girl. I secretly really wanted a boy but just in case it wasn't I told myself it was going to be a girl. I had already thought of girl names to get myself excited about having another girl, and of course I would have still been delighted to have girl. During the ultrasound, the tech announced that it had 3 legs and my immediate thought was, "oh no! There is something wrong with our child." She quickly cleared up my confusion and told us it was a boy. I was so surprised, my eyes watered. Ryan was very excited. God was going to be great no matter what but when we found out it was a boy I thought, "seriously God!?!?! You are awesome!!!!" I can't imagine what having a boy will be like but I can't wait to find out. I have been feeling him move since 17 wks and I am 19 wks now. I am definitely in maternity clothes and finding it harder to pick Addison's toys off the floor. Anyways almost half way there.


  1. Awesome! Very exciting. Boys are great, Asher has started becoming a daddy's boy now that he is almost 1yr old and I love it!

    His Grace to you all!
    Matt, Ashley, Lilly, Asher, & baby #3

  2. Hi Rebekah, I just came over from Beth Moore’s blog. I thought it would be neat to visit a least one of the fellow scripture memorizers blogs each time and just say that we’re in this together and I hope your scripture memorization is going well.

    Congratulations on a boy! I have a 10 month old little boy who I just love to pieces. He is so, so much fun! Hope you have a good day! Kelly

  3. Hi Rebekah, sorry for the "random comment" scare. :) A lot of people who post their siesta verse don't have a blog but I was even after you in posting so I just read other's verses backwards from mine and clicked on your name because it had a link showing you had a blog. Blessings on your day! Kelly
